Sunday 29 January 2017

Bankrupt Men from teignmouth 1800-1820

Bankrupt Men from Teignmouth between 1800-1820

Samuel Rendel Cooper West Teignmouth 28th May 1806 Y3200649402

John Gilpin Victualler Dealer & Chapman West Teignmouth 23rd February 1809 WestY3200650775

Thomas Sutton Shipbuilder, Dealer & Chapman Ringmore 25th December 1806 Y3200649655

Thomas Smalldridge Butcher Dealer & Chapman Stokeinteignhead 4th August 1908 Y3200650476

John Bass Shipwright Dealer & Chapman Teignmouth 24th September 1809 Y3200651019. Commission of Bankruptcy first dated 28th April 1798 but dividend only now being paid.

William Miller Victualler Dealer & Chapman West Teignmouth 4th June 1811 Y3200651955.

William Rendell Shipbuilder East Teignmouth 8th February 1816 Y3200654305

John Duniam Merchant owner ship Vittoria 7th March 1816 Y3200654343

John Higgs Hatter Teign & Exeter 13th June 1816 Y3200654487

George Hall Grocer Dealer & Chapman Teignmouth Y3200654802

George Palk Linen Draper East Teignmouth 27th January 1817 Y3200654886

Joseph Parish Dealer in Musical Instruments East Teignmouth 23rd April 1818 Y3200655603

John Heath Shipbuilder East Teignmouth 15th October 1818 Y3200655881

William Parker Innkeeper Dealer & Chapman West Teignmouth 17th June 1819 Y3200656324

Footnote Chapman 1) 13c-16c Intinerate Trader/Pedlar 2) Merchant in the 17/18c before the advent of factories, a Chapman would invest in the raw materials of the cotton, woollen, or silk trade, put out to work to spinners and weavers at home on piece work, and sell the product for profit, the term later became used for an intinerant peddler of goods in the 19c.